March 10 @12PM
We will have pizza, chips, water, fruit and veggies.
Cake Auc on Rules
Registra on will be from 9:00-10AM . Judges Choice will take place during
service. Auc on will begin a er lunch and vo ng is completed.
Only our Kids Town Children are eligible to win a prize.
Cake(s) must have a Bible Theme to be eligible for a prize.
Cake(s) must be made by the children with some help from an adult.
The cake(s) may be decorated with inedible decora ons (i.e. animals, people,
trees, etc.) but please keep it to a minimum. Nut products cannot be used
due to allergies within our church family. Thank you so much!!
You may also use things like candies, cookies, pudding, things of that nature
to help decorate your crea on.
A 3x5 card with cake descrip on—what theme and what kind of cake—must
accompany the cake(s). DO NOT write child's name on 3x5 card.
Whatever you bring the cake on/in will need to be something you don't mind
the buyer having to keep.
Everyone a ending the auc on will get a chance to vote for their favorite
Above all have fun and enjoy me with your kids. They are a real blessing.