Faith Christian Family Church

FCFC Newsletter June 2018

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WE ARE GROWING !!! Lot's of change for Growth is always a Good thing although it can be challenging at mes! People don't like change because it messes with our rou nes and our comfort! However as Chris ans we know that we should be growing and changing! Blessed are the flexible for they will not be broken! James 3:1 Prov.3:5-6 Phil. 4:12-14 There are actually 46 bible verses that teach us to remain flexible! So please con nue to pray for the children's wing. We have been juggling a lot of changes the past couple of years to accommodate Your children and to improve Your Children's Ministry into the Amazing and Awesome Children's ministry that God has for Your Kids and the Kids to Come!!! We need Your prayers and support! We also need more Children's Workers and Leaders! Contact Pastor Francine if interested. We need more help! We need 4 more teachers and helpers, plus 4 more in the Nursery!!! (2 for Wednesday and 2 for Sunday) From 6-12 to Youth Katarina Shepherd From 3-5 to 6-12 Aristo Ascenio; Karma Burnsworth; Sarah Winter; Ben Brady 6

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