Faith Christian Family Church

FCFC Newsletter June 2018

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FCFC's Annual "Bring A Friend Sunday"–July 15 Church Picnic This is "Picnic Sunday" and we encourage everyone to sign up and wear outdoor picnic clothes to church that day! **EACH FAMILY THAT SIGNS UP, IS TO BRING A LARGE DISH TO PASS, & A DESSERT** Please sign up at the Info Center & let us know what you are bringing….. Vegetable trays, salads, fruit bowls, bake beans, etc. The church will provide the meat. THERE IS NO COST. The day to R.S.V.P. will be Wednesday, July 11! Membership Training Classes July 8 & 22 1-4pm Sign up in the registration book located on the Welcome Center counter in the foyer, please so we have materials prepared for you. Child-care is available. Thank you! Co-laborers with you in Christ, Please Note: There are a few Helps Ministries that you need to be a member of the church in order to serve in them. So If that is a desire of your heart, please enroll in this class. This includes people who were away from FCFC for 6 months or longer and are now back attending. Also for anyone transferring in. One Day with God Camp August 11th The Forgiven Ministry is once again using FCFC as their base to have "one Day with God Camp" at the Thumb Correc onal Facility. For everyone who wishes to par cipate in this outreach need to get an applica on from the office, complete it and return it by July 24th. There will be training for those who weren't trained last year. 11

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